For our activity 9 in think lab, we were introduced to six thinking hats by Edward De Bono. Six thinking hats is a way of investigating an issue from a variety of perspectives without any conflicts. It helps in decision making skills.
Warm Up activity
In the warm up activity each group were given a specific color thinking hat to research about and make a poster, Color given to our group was yellow. Yellow color hat can be also known as Sunshine hat. It helps us to look on the brighter side of a situation and looks for benefits.
So we made the poster and wrote some key words which refers to yellow thinking hat and these are OPPORTUNITIES, CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING, BENEFITS, OPTIMISM, CONCRETE PROPOSALS AND SUNSHINE.
After making the poster we had to present and discuss it in front of the whole class which helped us to learn about other hats as well. Apart from yellow hat there are white, red, black, blue and green hats which states facts, feelings, difficulties, manage process and creativity respectively.
Main Activity
For the main activity, There were mystery boxes from which each group had to choose one. In those boxes there was an object in which we had to apply all the six thinking hats. Object of our group was MOBILE PHONES.
We divided our work by giving each member of the group a specific color hat. Hat given to me was black hat. Black hat means critical thinking or disadvantages. For me, it didn't took a lot of time to work on disadvantages of a mobile phone, so I was helping other people in our group who were working on green hat and struggling with it.
Green hat was the most time consuming hat for all of us. We were not able to find information about it and It was very difficult to think creatively about mobile phones.
This activity helped us to think from multiple perspective of an idea, object, situation or anything. Thinking hats can switch thinking styles to broaden your decision making. Therefore, we cannot make any decision while wearing just one thinking hat.
There is a specific sequence of thinking hats, but according to me the sequence doesn't matter that much, as it can be switched forward and backward, but the beginning should be with white hats. White hat is also known to be unbiased or neutral in existence as it serves as a form of data collection.
Blue hat is known as the manager hat, in our group everyone was wearing a blue hat as everyone was managing their respective hats while performing main activity. This made me realize we wear different hats everyday in our life.
While performing this activity, I could see that everyone in our group was excited and motivated towards their work. The only time consuming part was green hat but with group efforts we could find some solutions to it. But apart from that everyone was working hard and we were able to finish our activity on time.
Learning Mantra
''Wear different hats to make the right decision''