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End term project

For end term project, fruit assigned to me was Plantains or Raw bananas. They belong to banana family but are firmer and cannot be eaten raw. They're rich source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B-6, and the minerals magnesium and potassium. This hidden food warrant your trip to local groceries.


Materials used for pre-work

  1. SUNBOARD- The main base of replica was made of sunboard.

  2. COTTON- Used for the Back side of replica.

  3. WHITE SHEET- Made paper mache and used to make the inner pulp

  4. WATER COLORS- To give color to the replica.

  5. FEVICOL- To paste cotton

The major struggle I faced during the process was with cotton as it was not giving the texture of plantains. Plantains texture is quite hard but cotton is really soft. But then I slightly dipped cotton in water and gave it time to dry, Its formation got better and after applying paints the texture got hard.


Analysis of plantains, means the careful examination of the different parts or details.

For my fruit I analyzed my fruit from different angles possible, I also cut it through between and a slice of it. I also tried to capture how the peel would look from the inside, but plantains are really rigid. Therefor peel wasn't removed. In this process I used basic sketching pencils, micro tip pen, pastel colors and color pencils on A3 size sheets.


The second day in form analysis really helped us to understand the structure of our organic provided to us.


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